Kent Swig

My Thoughts.

Archive for November 2011

Brown University Sigma Chi Reunion

Sigma Chi Brown University Reunion I recently attended a 30th reunion (for some and an almost 30th reunion for others) with my fraternity brothers of Sigma Chi from Brown University  celebrating the classes of 1980, 1981, 1982, and 1983.  The reunion was held at the University Club here in New York City and included a cocktail reception and dinner and lots of wonderful memories!

There is absolutely no substitute for seeing people in person and getting together.   Emails, texts, phone calls, and even skype are no match for experiencing the laughter, sharing of memories and the sincere reflective thoughts that one experiences in person. It was so terrific to see and catch up with everyone; it has definitely been too long.The Sigma Chi SMEGS

Also so touching was a ceremony that occurred at the end of dinner which was led by Mark Akin where prayers and wonderful stories were shared among all of us about those friends who had passed away since we all last met together.  Six white roses were placed on a table representing the six brothers are no longer with us.

Sigma Chi Brown University 1981This ceremony was such a deeply thoughtful and touching addition to our evening and was reflective of the deep bond and respect and caring that all of us have and had for each other. I am so proud to have friends like those that I made at Brown University and Sigma Chi….indeed this is a priceless gift.






Brown University Sigma Chi Class of 1981

Written by swigeq

November 8, 2011 at 9:23 am

Posted in Brown University

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Annual Israel Bond Luncheon

Kent Swig with Larry Silverstein & Arnold Penner Israel Bonds Luncheon
I had the pleasure of participating in the annual Israel Bond luncheon this past November 3rd where my friend and colleague Rob Ivanhoe was deservedly honored and former Mayor Edward I. Koch gave the keynote speech. It was a very successful event for Israel Bonds and I was fortunate to be able to catch up with my good friend Ed Koch who, as usual, spoke so eloquently and heartfelt about Israel. Overall, a wonderful event.

Kent Swig with Arnold Penner Israel Bonds Luncheon

Written by swigeq

November 3, 2011 at 9:43 am